Monday, March 27, 2017

Build your custom Geo solution for QlikView in 5 minutes

In this post I will show how to build a Geo plot without the need for GeoAnalytics or Indevio. It will be way more limited functionality wise, you will be able to plot your data on a map. The result will look like this:

First you need a map of which you need to know the lat and long coordinates of the square corners. For this navigate to:

Enter a set of coordinates for the corners:

Take a screen capture starting and ending on the specified corners:

In QlikView add a new scatter chart:

Add the lat and long dimensions:

Specify the axis:

Enter next untill this screen. Deselect 'forced 0' and enter the x and y axis ranges, by using the values you used on lat-long website:

As background image to the chart load the screen capture of the lat-long website:

Press finish and your result will look like this:

Obviously, you need to geo code your adress data. This can easily be done by most ETL tools.

Hope this is usefull.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

BI and Analytics on your action cam video (GoPro, TomTom Bandit, etc)

In this post I will show some tips and tricks to add BI to your action cam video, specifically the TomTom Bandit, on Windows 10 with Dashware.

The result looks like this:

To start with the really tricky part, getting Dashware to work on Windows 10.

I also tried to use Racerender, but Dashware proved to be the tool of choice for me. Unfortunately, the latest version does not work on windows 10. I did get it to work with version 1.7. Which can be downloaded here:

In order to get it working you first need to remove MFPLat.dll and then run the executable from the program folder:

Since I am using the TomTom Bandit, I will also extract the GPX information from the video. This can be done from TomTom Bandit Studio:

Right click the video to export the GPS data.

Then we start a new project in Dashware, remember to start the application by running the exe from the program folder. Select 'None'  as project template.

Click the plus to add a video:

We choose not to extract the GPS data:

Then we add the data file:

Select to synch the GPS file:

Now the fun part, we add our BI components:

And start customizing!


Copy Paste Images from Clipboard in Blogger / Blogspot

I have always found it a bit annoying that it's necessary to upload images to Blogspot before being able to display them:
For this reason, I started looking for a windows application with a paste from clipboard option for images. Unfortunately, I was not able to find a free/open source solution. For this reason, I decided to build a workaround.

In this post I will explain how this works.

The basic idea is to use GreenShot for image capturing, an AWS server that hosts the images, a PuTTY pscp script to upload the file, and to copy a HTML text to the clipboard which you can paste into blogger.

This shows how the final solution works:

First start a screen capture with Greenshot:

And then select the option "upload". The script will then kick off and upload the screen capture to the AWS Server and return the HTML code that needs to be copied into Blogger:

This code is then copied into the HTML part of blogger:
Within Greenshot its possible to specify external commands. With this option a Bach file is started:

In here we configure the pointer to the batch file:
Also, in the settings, set the file format of the capture to hh mm to make sure the file names do not have spaces.

The batch file looks like this:

This script takes the path of the screen capture as a parameter and then uploads the file to the AWS Webserver. Unfortunately, the clip.exe command turned out the be buggy so I pasted the html code in a text document and then open this document with Notepad.

The webserver is a default (free of charge web-hosting AWS AMI):
First navigate to EC2 for elastic cloud options:

Launch an instance:

Search for the Wordpress AMI:

Select the free hosting option;

Then press next untill you get the option 'launch', press this as well. You will the see the screen to select a key pair, this is important:

Download the PEM file, we need this is the next step:
Use this file to create a pkk file, these steps have been described here:

Then, build the transfer script as described in the manual:

This script in part of the upload script: