Thursday, July 7, 2016

Raspberry Pi Weather Info


In this post I will show how to create a weather info station within an hour. The end result looks like this:

The used components:

- A Raspberry Pi (obviously).

- Very handy casing (8, 95 euro).

- A Keyboard (general application of course), (24,95 euro)

- A TFT screen (12,95 euro)

I got the TFT screen working by performing the following steps:

Upload a html file with the following contents:

Upload the file to: /var/www/

Make sure to give it execute permissions!

Then boot the Pi, run the LX terminal and type in (using the keyboard):
  epiphany-browser localhost/weer.html (or whatever name you gave the html file).

btw; I still need to find a way to turn of the screen saver..